Cheap Dedicated Servers

The Cheap Window VPS is one of the hosting platforms which executes. Its programs efficiently with the features of the window computer. This type of VPS functions as a dedicated server, enhancing the website’s power. Howsoever, hosting plays a vital role in the proper and efficient functioning of the website. One of the essential elements of hosting the website is the integration of VPS. VPS means Virtual Private Server that virtually implies every operating system section and does not exist in the real world. 

The database is the storage section for all virtual elements actively participating in the website’s hosting. This means you cannot see this virtual world with your open eyes. When the word “private” implies, it solely means that you own it. If you are the owner of a private server, then no one else can make use of it. The two primary components of the Windows VPS server are RAM and CPU. And their connection is established with high-speed internet. 

Name OS CoreRAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP DC Location Monthly Price
Turkey VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Istanbul, Turkey$20.00
Sweden VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1TB1 Stockholm, Sweden$20.00
Spain VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Madrid, Spain$20.00
South Korea VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Seoul, South Korea$15.00
South Africa VPS Custom11 GB30 GB HDD1 TB1Johannesburg, South Africa$27.00
USA VPS - Custom1 1 GB 30 GB SSD1 TB1 Missouri, USA$11.00
Ukraine VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Kyiv City, Ukraine$13.00
UK VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1London, UK$11.00
UAE VPS Custom1 1 GB 30 GB SSD100 GB1 Dubai, United Arab Emirates$24.00
Thailand VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Bangkok, Thailand$21.00
Switzerland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Singapore VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Singapore$21.00
Russia VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Moscow, Russia$15.00
Romania VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Bucuresti, Romania$15.00
Hong Kong VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Hong Kong, China$15.00
India VPS Custom11 GB 30 GB SSD1 TB1 Noida, India$19.00
Israel VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Ashdod, Israel$25.00
Malaysia VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Cyberjaya, Malaysia$20.00
1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Tokyo, Japan$21.00
Netherlands VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Amsterdam, Netherlands$13.00
New Zealand VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Auckland, New Zealand$30.00
Norway VPS Custom11 30 GB SSDUnlimited1Oslo, Norway$25.00
Greece VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Thessaloniki, Greece$25.00
Germany VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB 1Kassel, Germany$9.00
France VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB 1Gravelines, France$9.00
Canada VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Montreal, Canada $11.00
Brazil VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSDUnlimited1Sao Paulo, Brazil$30.00
Australia VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Australia$20.00
Finland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Helsinki, Finland$19.00
Italy VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Milan, Italy$15.00

Easily integrate with your Cloud computing projects:

With the use of a Windows VPS server, everything gets more accessible from the graphical interface, application installation, and driver compatibilities. User adaptation is instant because we provide desktop functional Windows VPS Server 2012 layout. Our window VPS is useful for those who work on.ASP, .NET, VB, and many other languages that are operational on Microsoft environment but do not execute on Linux. Microsoft is acknowledged as horizontal marketer software that offers its client, with reliability and enhanced performance. Additionally, it is the most commonly used comprehensive Operating system which is functional as a solution for database and ERP (management system) and software development for several games.

Significance of Cheap Window VPS:

  • Increase reliability that allows you to share your VPS with other hosting companies.
  • Enhances the stability of the server while sharing servers with other enterprises.
  • Helps in controlling the server, if it’s a hybrid one that can offer root access.
  • While sharing servers, VPS helps optimize and restore the server’s security level.
  • Window VPS owns to be an eco-friendly technology that allows in Green Hosting.
  • When you are ready to create a new website, then optimizing hosting resources turns out to be essential.
  • Installation of cheap Window VPS is highly affordable
  • Clients receive all the information from Window VPS with the use of the internet. 
  • VPS is integrated with the firewall configuration.
  • Enable automatic updating of the server. 
  • It provides the service of data backup and support to the server for 24X7.
  • It helps in the creation of batch files with the use of shell access and other services.

Cheap Windows VPS Server Hosting

If you have decided to make a shift into a better and cheap version of Windows VPS server, then give a halt to your mind. It is an essential and easy management tool that would make you comfortable in a stressful situation. And, for this, you need to allow the providers to take care of your server. We impose complete control on the server and scale-up with new solutions which lead to an upgraded system. If you require Linux VPS server hosting, you may visit another category of our website to know the packages and how effective they are for your business. Control panels are responsible for the maintenance of the website. 

Cheap window VPS server hosting possible with multiple data centers:

If you plan for a website hosting for windows, then servers appear like big apartments and hosted within the splits of the apartment into different units. Basically, in the case of shared hosting, website splits into different segments. The cheap Linux Web Hosting is featured with the best service that helps in transferring data into the ample space offered for data storage. Howsoever, this VPS is quite economical and featured with the best deal that will help in the expansion of your business. 

Features accompanied with plans:

  • Windows Server 2012 Layout:

When you are building a website online with the use of window servers, then you will surely like to adopt a new layout. You are sure to get a more compatible layout that eases your task and offers the fastest installation process for the applications. This assures to make your work effortless and enhance your satisfaction.

  • Live Chat Support Option:

We have dedicated team of expert to offer top-notch chat and voice support for 24 x 7, our customer care team is experienced in handling the queries for unmanaged window VPS server service.

  • Easy To Use VPS Hosting Control Panel:

To manage the VPS server has never been an easy task. The cheap window VPS comes with an easily managed and highly controlled panel to execute tasks in a few clicks. This even provides space for backup and restoration in the VPS container through cPanel.

  • Unlimited hardware and SSD space:

You will make the right choice by choosing our service as we make provide complete satisfaction with our window VPS excellent performance and lightning speed. This helps to get the best possible result with the use of ample SSD space and premium quality of the hardware.


Finally, we can conclude that Cheap Window VPS is a popular and cost-effective option in the world. It has been integrated with several features that are nowadays useful and continually increasing, such as networking development, computing, and many more. This window VPS works efficiently as a medium for retrieving resources. Moreover, VPS allows users to select the storage space as per their business requirements